
Proyecto"Atlas de vulnerabilidad hidroclimática de la cuenca amazónica"

Publication Date
Vector Data
Sequías , OTCA
Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
processes and phenomena of the atmosphere. Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation
Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , Guyana , Peru , Suriname , Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
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Distribución espacial de la vulnerabilidad vulnerabilidad integral ante la sequía

Supplemental Information

los mayores valores de este indicador se registran en la parte alta andina (Amazonia boliviana, peruana y ecuatoriana), al sur en el sector de la cuenca del...

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
Categorias NA 2.91 3.00 1.40
Shape_Area NA 0.00 0.00 0.03
Shape_Leng NA 0.34 0.04 1.68
NormaSeq NA 57.14 59.00 13.64
VulInteSeq NA 100.00 103.00 23.88
Sus_ActAgr NA 39.36 46.57 26.06
Norma NA 54.30 59.00 17.06
Vulne_Tota NA 8.50 22.00 67.03
CATotalSeq NA 88.57 84.00 44.57
CARedPubl NA 26.33 21.00 26.29
CAInfrSalu NA 3.90 2.00 6.06
CAPEAAlter NA 58.34 51.00 26.87
SusTotal NA 97.07 102.00 37.04
DotVial NA 3.66 1.00 8.10
AreaApAgr NA 13.71 8.00 16.33
NorDepEd NA 40.34 40.00 11.48
Departamen NA
NoDep_porc NA 40.32 40.26 11.48
Cod_pais NA
Prefijo NA
Cod_area NA
Nombre NA
Pais NA
TasaDepEda NA 67.50 71.47 28.82
FID_Vulne1 NA 611.91 862.00 424.80
NoBFInun NA 72.38 74.00 13.60
NoBFSeq NA 45.70 46.00 14.90
BFInundac NA 275.08 280.00 51.70
BFSequias NA 150.72 152.00 49.50
TexNorSeq NA 31.51 20.00 21.33
ValSequi_1 NA 1.58 1.00 1.07
TexNorInun NA 82.02 80.00 22.88
ValInund_1 NA 4.10 4.00 1.14
Descrip2 NA
SusSeqNor NA 41.16 40.00 24.81
SusInuNor NA 56.55 60.00 25.51
UHNivel4 NA
NorInunda NA 82.04 88.00 22.12
ValInunda NA 6.55 7.00 1.77
NorSequias NA 29.33 25.00 20.96
ValSequia NA 2.35 2.00 1.66
Porcentaje NA
Descripcio NA
Clase NA 2.35 2.00 1.66
NorInun NA 54.47 60.00 31.23
NorSeq NA 48.72 40.00 27.86
ValInun NA 2.72 3.00 1.56
ValSq NA 2.44 2.00 1.39
Veget_desc NA
OBJECTID NA 75232.12 78285.00 41528.56
FID_Vulne_ NA 74889.78 77942.00 41527.35
OBJECTID_2 NA 93852.00 93852.00 54185.19
OBJECTID_1 NA 93852.00 93852.00 54185.19

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